(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Root Chakra , Red Jasper Root Chakra: protection, love and change. It is an anchoring stone, which means that it gently stimulates, allowing you to face the reality of life. It helps you to overcome obstacles before becoming overwhelmed.
Sacral chakra, orange calcite is an excellent stone for healing treatments. It diffuses its gentle, restorative energy, helping to relieve physical pain and accelerate healing.
Solar plexus chakra, yellow jasper: On a physical level, the benefits of this yellow stone are concentrated on digestion to relieve nausea or heartburn.
It improves heart function and blood circulation.
Like a vitamin treatment, it acts as a source of energy, increasing the metabolism.
4th Chakra
Heart Chakra, Green Aventurine: Gives strength, vitality and longevity.
5th Chakra
Throat chakra, Aquamarine: helps to relieve pain.
Strengthens bonds of friendship and love.
Reduces skin problems.
Helps relieve depression.
Alleviates motion sickness.
Promotes communication.
Regulates blood circulation.
6th eye
Chakra of the 3rd eye, Blue Sodalite: It offers confidence, but also courage.
It is used a lot in lithotherapy to develop logic but also to capture thought in a totally rational way.
It stabilises the emotions.
7th Chakra
Crown Chakra, Amethyst: Stone of wisdom. It stimulates creativity, imagination and clarity. This stone promotes meditation, concentration and spiritual upliftment. It also calms anger, fear, anxiety, anguish, sadness and grief.
Material: gems.
Weight: 55g
Specific References